Shibori ( 絞り )

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Shibori is a dyeing technique that creates pattern by tying or stitching the fabric before dyeing. It differs from other dyeing technique that uses glue or wax. There are many different methods to create patterns. It takes an immense amount to work to create each pattern as the threads have to be tied on by hand. Chirimen (crepe), rinzu and shusu (satin) are used in shibori dyeing.

Sayagata and honmon (interlocking swastika prints) are often found on hira rinzu as the shiny fabric allows the print to stand out.
As Japanese paper is used as part of the shibori dyeing process, it is considered a kata zome process. There are many shibori methods, but the hiranui (flat stitching) method is considered the standard. The pattern is stitched flat using a running stitch, after which the thread is pulled tightly to gather the cloth before it is dyed.
The tsujigahana patterns created during the Muromachi period uses many shibori dyeing techniques and designs which are still in use today.
Kanoko shibori (literally fawn shibori) is named for its similarity to the spots on the back of a fawn. As the deer was a symbol of childbirth, kanoko shibori was often used to make furisode worn at the coming-of-age ceremonies, and the print was popular among women.
Different regions had different kinds of shibori. While Kyoto is known for silk shibori, Arimatsu-Narumi shibori, Bungo shibori and Takase shibori are made of cotton.

[quote style=”boxed”]In Japanese



