Old ceremonial court dress

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The old ceremonial court dress is a men’s full dress and often seen in old nobles’ portraits.
Japanese nobles gradually changed the traditional Chine noble clothing to make it something they would really like. They wore many layers of clothing to show their nobleness and eventually established it as a common style of clothing.

To be in the old ceremonial court dress, layers of the following clothes should be worn in order.
1. Short sleeves (underwear)
2. Hakama ( a long pleated skirt for men)
3. Hitoe (unlined clothes whose sides are not sewed)
4. Akome (another unlined clothes whose sides are not sewed)
5.Uenohakama(Shorter than Oguchihakama)
6.Shitagasane(The cloth not sewing side. the material is diffrent from season to season. The back is long)
7.Hanpi(The cloth having no cuff and short height)
8.Hou(Outerwear of tachieri)
9.Sekitai(leather belt with stone decoration)

The more difficult to move so as to wear so many cloth,The more noble they are. But wearing so many cloth was tough for people in the era.
In fact, Some people ommited Hanpi hidden by hou .
