Kuro mofuku ( 黒喪服 )

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Kuro mofuku

This is a black kimono worn for mourning family members. The formal mourning kimono is completely black and has five light undyed crests. It is usually made of chirimen (crepe), habutae (silk) or koma chirimen. A mofuku is typically tied with a Nagoya obi with mourning prints. A taiko musubi is tied instead of a nijuudaiko musubi (double layer taiko) to avoid “doubling” the mourning.

To complete a kuro mofuku, a white han-eri, a black or white obijime and a black or white satin/crepe obiage must be worn.

The bag and zori should be muted black or non-glossy and made of fabric. The general rule is for accessories to be black where they can be seen. If it is necessary to remove the zori or footwear, prints should be not visible. Bags and zori made with fabric is preferred to those made with leather. Small silver or pearl accessories that are suitable for mourning can be worn.

While customs differ from region to region, generally, family members will wear the kuro mofuku until the second anniversary of the death. Mourners who are not family members should avoid wearing the kuro mofuku as it is higher in formality.

[quote style=”boxed”]In Japanese




地方によって慣習が異なりますが、三回忌までは遺族は黒喪服 にします。遺族以外の弔問客は、遺族よりも格上とならないように黒喪服を避けます。
